East Loop

SINCE the early 1990s there has been a great need for the East LOOP Corridor to facilitate international trade and improve the quality of life for brownsville residents.

In 2008 the CCRMA began to lead the East Loop project in the preliminary engineering and environmental phase. The City of Brownsville, TxDOT, Cameron County, and the Port of Brownsville have all entered into partnership to further the development of the East Loop project. The East Loop corridor serves the Port of Brownsville, which exports and imports over 6.3 million metric tons of steel petroleum, machinery ores and other international trade exports to our Mexico partners. The East Loop project will also serve as the overweight corridor that runs currently within the City of Brownsville.

Creating the East Loop Corridor for trucks traveling from Mexico and the Veterans International Bridge at Los Tomates to the Port of Brownsville will reduce congestion on I-69E and SH 48, as well as reduce the time of travel on all roadways in the Corridor.

Project Highlight

The East Loop Project consists of the construction of a four to six-lane roadway from SH 4 to I-69E (U.S. 77/83) and the Veterans International Bridge at Los Tomates. The SH 32 (East Loop Project) consists of two sections along with the Port Connector Road.  SH 32 East is approximately 5.6 miles long and includes the construction of a new four-lane divided highway from FM 3068 to SH 4. The total construction cost of SH 32 East is approximately $45 million.  SH 32 West is approximately 4.5 miles long and includes the construction of a new four-lane divided highway from FM 3068/FM 1419 to the Veterans International Bridge and I-69E (U.S. 77/83). The total construction cost of SH 32 West is approximately $25 million.

Project Status

The Environmental Assessment of SH 32 East and West is being combined into one environmental document and an environmental approval is expected in 2019.

Improving Safety & Quality of Life

Eliminates 17
Traffic Stops

for commercial traffic traveling to the Port of Brownsville

Relieves Congestion at
6 School Zones

and greatly improves air quality

Reduces Traffic

by diverting commercial traffic from Brownsville's busy SH 48