The SH 550 is a limited access toll route, the first of its kind to be developed in South Texas. This future 10-mile interstate connects the Port of Brownsville and State Highway 48 to Interstate 69E.
In 2010 the CCRMA, in partnership with TxDOT, entered into an agreement to develop a new interstate that would connect the Port of Brownsville and State Highway 48 to Interstate 69E. This new 10-mile interstate would help facilitate key economic development by creating access through a previously undeveloped area. The project was to be developed in multiple phases and designed for expansion for future growth. The CCRMA currently has one GAP project remaining to complete the interstate. Once complete the SH 550 will be designated as I-169.
Project Highlight
The SH 550 uses highly sophisticated tolling technology, including automatic vehicle identification and automatic license plate readers, to provide convenient nonstop access for drivers. Making a payment is also convenient. Users can manage their accounts and make payments online or through a smart phone application, or pay per use by mail invoice.
Estado del proyecto
The Gap I project was completed in June 2018. The GAP II project is scheduled to begin construction in 2019 and is scheduled to be completed in July 2020.
The SH 550 Gap II is the final Gap Project in the completion of the SH 550 from I-69E to the Port of Brownsville. The SH 550 Gap II Project limits are 0.2 miles south of FM 1847 to 1.13 miles south of Union Pacific Railroad. The project has completed the environmental, right-of-way and utility relocation phase, and now requires the updating of existing design plans to the most current interstate standards. Engineering Plans will be updated by December 2018. The project requires a bridge structure over the rail line. When completed Interstate I-69 will connect the Port of Brownsville to I-69E.
This is a significant infrastructure improvement for the City of Brownsville and the Port of Brownsville. As the Port of Brownsville continues to lure industry from the energy, space and from other sectors, having an interstate is crucial. The Brownsville MPO and the CCRMA have allocated construction funds for this project. The project has $16 million available in funding for construction through the Brownsville MPO and the letting date is 2019.
Improving Quality of Life
to and from the port of brownsville
Interstate 169
designation upon completion